MyAfros CRM

Explore our world class CRM solution with integrated AI Agents. Our mission is to make AI accessible, intuitive, and transformative for businesses. Whether you run an enterprise or a start-up, our platform offers a diverse range of AI tools embedded in the CRM offering the best client management experience.

Hero Illustration
Trusted by many customers worldwide

Explore the solutions

Check out our most used business tools by everyday people like you.


Keeps your clients' details with follow-ups organised.

Phone Book

Phone Book allows you to manually or programatically call your clients.


Manage meetings and receive alerts when a meeting is coming up.

Trusted by many companies all over the world

We are the future of business in the AI age.

Testimonial 01
“ MyAfros tools are essential for every business that needs to scale in this AI age. “
Kola Aje
CEO & Co-Founder @FrataLogistics

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